okay, three, two, one, let's jam

Age 22


University of Virginia


Joined on 5/8/16

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crow-seeds's News

Posted by crow-seeds - August 23rd, 2024

scaling a mountain using the second amendment


It's that time of year again, this time we made scaling a mountain using the second amendment for GMTK Game Jam 2024 over this past weekend. The theme was "built to scale", so we made a game where you're a paraplegic in a wheelchair that has to climb an American themed mountain in search for free healthcare, but you can only move using the recoil of a shotgun. It's inspired by games like Getting Over It. The artists and musicians worked really hard on it, so feel free to check it out on Newgrounds here.

Keep in mind, it is a rage game haha (great choice in making your game jam entry a rage game, me). Hopefully Newgrounds enjoys this one. There are leaderboards and medals if you're into that sort of stuff!


Had a really fun time making this one even if it isn't for everyone. I've been on a bunch of roadtrips this past year, and I thought to myself, why not use the photos I took in one of my games? My main art friend, Popper, was also pretty busy that weekend so I had to get creative with the art direction. All the photos in the game were from me and my friends (and like one public domain image but shhhh....).

Other Updates and Such

Been adjusting to the 9-5 worklife and such, so a bit more time to work on games now. Fish game is still in the works along with a couple more game ideas coming to fruition. Here's some concept art for the aforementioned fish game:


Big things coming soon I hope!!


Posted by crow-seeds - April 19th, 2024



Last weekend, me and a couple of fellas made SLUMMONER in 72 hours for the Ludum Dare 55 game jam. The theme was "summoning" so we went with a homeless wizard that summons pigeons, rats, and feral cats. The artists and musicians worked really hard on it, so feel free to check it out on Newgrounds here. It was really fun working on it despite the strict deadlines, lots of fun details and shenanigans involved in the production haha. Been a while since my last game, so it's been really fun getting back into things, miss doing stuff like this.


Updates and such

It's been around half a year since my last update, so I'm gonna double this announcement post as another update blog post. Been busy with life stuff, but I recently landed a really nice stable job that should hopefully take care of me financially. I should be able to put more time into my hobbies, and that includes game development. Last blog post I promised a bunch of updates to a bunch of games, and none of those have come out yet. Apologies for that, expect some of those relatively soon now that I have more free time. Life's been hectic after graduating college and figuring out adult stuff haha.

Been working on a game (that isn't a part of any jams or competitions, so a lot more time and effort has been put into it!) in the past couple of weeks. It's shaping out pretty well and I hope to release that this year. Won't go too much into it, but I will tell you that the game involves fish.


(Drawn by Ollie for the fish game)

Anyways, looking forward to making more games for this site. Love this community and all that it has to offer!



Posted by crow-seeds - November 7th, 2023

Meowxtape: Delivery

I recently released a game that I made for Ludum Dare 53 on Newgrounds! The theme was "delivery" so we went for a game about rap (get it, rap delivery???). You also text and drive in this game, if you're into that sort of thing. Peep Meowxtape: Delivery, the artists and musicians worked pretty hard for this one, so I wanted to draw some more attention to it. If you're into bullet hell type games, give it a shot! The soundtrack is a banger too, a bunch of cat themed raps in this one.



Commission Hell

I also wanted to thank Newgrounds for the great reception to Commission Hell! We recently placed in the Newgrounds Best of the Month, which was really cool to see (I can finally call myself a professional, which is a neat bonus). Although it wasn't my proudest game (I programmed the game over 2 days for Ludum Dare, there were a lot of bugs and things rushed in development, trying to make a drawing program and making it multiplayer in 48 hours was a tad bit overambitious haha), we had a lot of fun making it, and that's what really counts! Check out @popper and @ollygons, the artists for the game as well, they were really fun to work with! A big shoutout to the players too for making such amazing drawings, I loved 99% of them (The other 1% knows who they are...). It's crazy how creative you guys get with such a limited toolset, I might make a post of my favorites soon.


Also an update for the game is in the works! An expansion to the story mode with more levels and bugfixes are being worked on. I've been very busy coming out of college and doing job stuff, hopefully my life shenanigans get taken care of soon so I can keep making silly games. Don't expect it soon, but it will come out eventually.

Also shoutouts to @Anonymous-Frog for drawing Loss in my other drawing game, Times Newer Roman.


Future Games and Updates

I'm working on updating my older stuff too! STATION.60 and Comatoast Unjammed are getting some overhauls, just been busy with the aforementioned life stuff. It's been a bit painful going back to my old code, especially considering that most of the games I've worked on were made during game jams, so fixing rushed broken code has been the norm unfortunately. Expect those early next year?

Speaking of game jams, it's been a while since I've made a non-jam game. Though it leads to a lot of games being finished and it gives me and my friends an excuse to work on something, it leads to a bunch of broken and unpolished stuff! Commission Hell and Switch.tv, while well received here, aren't really the type of stuff I'm proud of. Short unpolished concepts are fun once in a while, but not when they're the only things you're making! Part of this was because of lack of time from college to work on any long projects, but mostly a lack of commitment on my end to tackle something big. Hopefully after graduating this will change. It's been a while since I've done a game that wasn't for a competition, like we have to go back 11 games ago to Times Newer Roman, but that's not really a game and was kinda pivoted to compete in Mobile Jam 22...

So in the future, expect something big where I spent more than 3 days on! Also expect me to move away from Unity. Hopefully with Meowxtape released and out of my backlog, I can do some experimenting with Godot and Pico-8.

Anyways, thanks for reading my long spiel! I've been creating games on here for around 2 years and I loved every second of it. Never had so many people enjoy the things I do, it makes creating games so much more fun. Being surrounded by so many talented people and working with some of them has been a blast. The community here is truly something else, long live Newgrounds!



Posted by crow-seeds - March 5th, 2023

A while back I made Times Newer Roman on Newgrounds. Basically, everyone helps create a crowdsourced font, voting and drawing letters of the alphabet.

It was made for the Newgrounds Mobile Jam 2022, but it was also made for my senior final research project about social media for university. It would be a great help if you filled this survey (It takes like 2 minutes) so I can graduate college :)))



Posted by crow-seeds - January 28th, 2023


This took 5 days of collaborative work with 50+ different people

For Pixel Day 2023, I made a game where every Newgrounds user can place a pixel every 90 seconds. Hopefully through the power of collaboration, we can create the greatest pixel movie of all time. Anyone can contribute, all you have to do is place at least one pixel! Inspired by Reddit's r/Place, but this game has a time component to it.

I don't usually care about views, ratings, and front-paging, but since this is a collaborative multiplayer project, I'm trying to share it as much as possible!

Doubt any mods will front-page my project since it's not your traditional game, so here it is in my front-page news post!

Play here: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/871777


Also I won Ludum Dare 52 (1st place in humor, 7th place overall, 7th place audio out of 1000+ games!), play my Ludum Dare 52 entry here: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/870196



Posted by crow-seeds - January 28th, 2023


1st place in the category that truly matters

Play the silly ludum dare game:

Also play my newest game that I made for pixel day!!!!!! 😎



Posted by crow-seeds - January 10th, 2023

Harvest season has just ended! While you won’t be gathering wheat, you’ll surely be raking in dough at your cushy tax auditing desk job!

A couple silly fellas and I made a tax auditing game for the Ludum Dare 52 game jam. Everyone was gonna do a "crop" game, and slightly more creative people were gonna do a "soul" or "organ" harvesting game, so we went for "income" harvesting lmao. Hope you guys enjoy our silly project!




Ludum Dare Entry

Newgrounds Submission



Posted by crow-seeds - December 23rd, 2022

y'all ain't ready for the pixel day entry


Posted by crow-seeds - November 27th, 2022



Posted by crow-seeds - November 17th, 2022

robot game mayhaps